Wednesday, March 18, 2020

Good Term Paper Topics

Good Term Paper Topics Good Term Paper Topics Good Term Paper Topics You have a great choice of term paper topics, of course if the teacher did not limit your choice to the specific one. You may write about the modern matters (Obama, financial crisis) or global problems (poverty, AIDs), or choose argumentative topics (Marijuana, addictions, abortions, etc.). Our free paper blog has many written papers posted for your unlimited use (no registration and no fees). is working hard to help all students with their term paper writing projects! If you cannot find a term paper sample on your topic, try our custom term paper writing services. We guarantee delivery of a custom written term paper prior to deadline! All term papers are checked by plagiarism detecting software! Good Term Paper Sample Many hospitals are so convinced of the necessity of fondling and close physical contact while an infant is nursing that such is even prescribed on the order chart for those babies who must be fed by bottle. This baby must be held in someone's arms while taking the bottle. Certainly this is a precaution that is not taken in most orphanages, asylums, and almshouses, and it is one of the reasons why institutionalization of infants is never recommended if there is any other possibility. Ribble feels that very widespread physiological and psychological effects result from breast feeding and the mothering that should go with, it. She mentions the following as favorable effects of unrestricted sucking: Deeper and more regular breathing (all of which stimulates flow of blood to the brain with attendant brain development); better sleep, digestion and elimination; earlier focusing of eyes and grasping of objects; earlier vocalization and articulate speech. Since Ribble reports no scientific co ntrol of the innumerable factors that bring about infant development, it is hard to say how much of the physiological and psychological superiority of her group of babies was due to unrestricted sucking. However, there has been no question in the minds of pediatricians and psychologists for a number of years that the early nursing and feeding experiences of a child do have a profound effect upon the child's personality and his reactions to people and to life in general, as well as upon his health. Sherbon says: With very, very few exceptions, every mother can nurse her baby. With almost no exception, every mother should nurse her baby. In addition to breast feeding, physicians today recommend the introduction of supplementary foods, such as orange juice and certain vegetable purees, as early as the second or third month. This not only increases the supply of needed nutriments, but helps to prevent abrupt and emotionally devastating weaning from the breast. In this connection, we may stop long enough to mention an obsession that many modern parents have developed. For the last few years we have been told that we should not feed a baby every time he cries. Instead, the instructions say, we should accustom him to regular feeding periods with regular intervals between in which he should not be fed even if he does cry. Now, this program may be and probably is sound doctrine for babies that are well and babies that are receiving adequate nourishment from their food.

Sunday, March 1, 2020

The Naysayers Make the Most Noise

The Naysayers Make the Most Noise A writer wrote me about how distraught he was at the negativity about becoming a writer. He professed to being an introvert, and he felt I would understand his concerns because I profess to being an introvert. So we chatted. He has made his way through life via his writing more so than his verbal repartee. Oh boy, I can really relate to that. Every success I ever had in my life somehow originated from the written word. He fought to find his way in this writing mayhem out there, to see how he can make a partial living from his writing. Â  However, what upset him was the deluge of negativity. = Most people dont edit well enough to sell. Â   = There are too many writers so dont expect to sell much. = The agents take advantage of you. = The publishers take advantage of you. = Editors dont understand writers. = Vanity presses rip you off. = Editors rip you off. = Contracts rip you off. I could go on for the entire newsletter with that list. All the racket on the internet warns writers to watch out, be careful, demons await you around every turn and in every click to a how-to website. Well, let me tell you something, my sweethearts trembling in the shadows . . . those that screw up usually make the most noise. The people who struggled with their book and made no sales, who were taken advantage of Like I tell people in my classes . . . do your homework before publishing. Dont listen to the screamers who were taken advantage of or made bad decisions. Usually they are still uninformed, still stinging from being duped, and only have revenge in their sights. Dont get sucked into the drama. Take your time writing, then take your time editing, then take your time publishing. Know your options and know them well. I speak to writers each and every day about slowing down and educating themselves. But I can only shake my head at the ones who then reply (often sharply): = I found this one publisher who sounds good and wants my material (yet the writer cannot tell me if they are traditional or indie). = I trust this. (Sorry, but you dont trust a publisher . . . you have a business relationship sealed in a negotiated contract and you are NOT friends.) = The publisher will edit this for me. They wont let bad stuff get published. (Then I hear its a vanity press.) = I cannot afford an editor, website, or time to promote; so Ill put it up on Amazon and see what happens. = Im writing this book now, and my plan is to have it published = Im not writing/promoting/blogging like everyone else, so the rules dont apply to me (two of those this week). The noise isnt always the place to run too. Sometimes its what you run from.