Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Total Rehabilitation Centre For Disabled Children

BACKGROUND Total Rehabilitation centre for disabled children was started in the year 2010.The home is located in Kasarani, Nairobi County, approximately 16kms from CBD. The home was founded by Teresiah who was initially running a door to door programme raising awareness in the community in regards to caring for disabled children.She is on the frontline within her community in advocating for equality of the disabled in society especially the children. Teresa rented out the house which is now total rehab centre and got a team to assist her in caring for the diabled children.The house is a masionette built on half an acre of land; it has 3 bedrooms, a shower and Toilet, A kitchen and a living area. The home is housing a total of 38 children. The home caters to children with autism, cerebral palsy and Down’s syndrome. A few of the children are rescued from their homes where they were not receiving adequate care. These children got a new lease of life at Total Rehab,an environment in which they receive proper care. A few members of the society hide their disabled children due to embarrassment and in the process the child/children are often neglected. Some of the kids are brought in by their parents, due to the nature of their work or financial constraints they are not able to give the child the proper care they deserving this case however the parents pay a small fee for the care of their children while at the centre. There are orphaned kids in the home as well. Teresa and herShow MoreRelatedPhysically Challenged6701 Words   |  27 PagesIS A PHYSICALLY CHALLENGED PERSON? A person is considered ‘handicapped’ or ‘physically challenged’ when he is not an ordinary person with all limbs. A disabled person is one who suffers from the loss or impairment of a limp or deformity in physical or mental capability whether due to natures foul play or an unexpected unfortunate accident. 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Their relationship ended and he remarried Tomeeka Robyn Bracy the same year and is still with her to the present day. Altogether, Stevie is the father of 7 children, 5 sons and 2 daughters (Google, 2015). Influences: Stevie Wonder has influenced so many people throughout his career and still continues to do so this very day. Apart from being involved in many helpful campaigns and events, Stevie’s music and

Monday, December 23, 2019

Walt Disney And Its Impact On The United States Political...

When Walt Disney comes to mind, it’s usually the idea of fairytales, princesses, and even amusement parks. But what most of society does not realize about Disney is that the corporation that sells Mickey Mouse ears to little children is the same corporation that fights for certain issues within the United States political spectrum. These issues help represent the qualities that Walt Disney has valued throughout their company’s history of over seventy-five years. This paper will discuss how The Walt Disney Company effectively uses strategies and resources to achieve their goals of copyright protection and environmental safety. The Walt Disney Company’s mission states, â€Å"To be one of the world’s leading producers of entertainment and†¦show more content†¦Because of all the animated features being produced within this studio, The Walt Disney Company had finally become financially stable by 1961. Walt Disney Co. has 35 shares, according to the year of 2015- 2016, which were from members who had individually donated to the Walt Disney PAC with an ending total of $423,913 (Open Secrets). These contributions were made directly through shareholders, who are members that have bought a share â€Å"directly through The Walt Disney Company Investment Plan† (The Walt Disney Company). Members of the management team such as Alan Braverman, Alan F. Horn, and Brent Woodford have all contributed over $5,000 to the Walt Disney PAC for the year 2015-2016 (Open Secrets). Because of members like Horn, Braverman, and Woodford, The Walt Disney PAC is able to contribute to certain representatives in the House and the Senate in order to meet their specific needs, such as bills being passed for copyright protection and environmental safety. The Walt Disney Company earns most of its income through merchandise, media coverage such as broadcasting, parks and resorts, studio entertainment, and e ven global partnerships in other countries. Because The Walt Disney Company has such a vast income, most of that money goes back out to other organizations and charities. Make-A-WishShow MoreRelatedDisney s Target Audience And Its Effects On Young Adults And Adults1411 Words   |  6 PagesSocioeconomic Audience. It may appear that Disney’s target audience is primarily children, but with its vast assets Disney’s products reach the full spectrum of audiences from preschoolers to adults. Disney products include television programs, books, magazines, musical recordings and movies (David, 2013). Disney Channels Worldwide is comprised of 94 kid and family entertainment channels available in 169 countries (David, 2013) ABC Family is a mixture of TV series and movies targeted towards youngRead MoreThe Walt Disney Company Report15335 Words   |  62 PagesCompany Research Paper The Walt Disney Company Pranay Kumar George Batah Shuxian Shen Sheng Hao Koo â€Å"We have complied with university honor code in completion of this assignment and I attest that this work is ours and ours alone.† Professor Suzanne Weiss Contents 1. Executive Summary 2. Company Background 3. Management 4. Situation Analysis 5. Ethics and Responsibility 6. Human Resource 7. Globalization 8. Operation and Production Read MoreWalt Disney Parks and Resorts3667 Words   |  15 PagesKuala-Lumpur – Malaysia 6 Disney selection criteria 6 KT decision analysis ( In Appendences) 7 Situational analysis 8 Dunker diagram (In Appendences) 9 Business, Disney and Culture 10 Disney and Success 11 Recommendation 12 Conclusion 13 References 14 Appendences 15 Mind Map 15 KT Decision Calculations 17 Dunker Diagram 18 Executive Summary Attached is a report that compares the three candidate cities that we as a group chose to host a new Disney theme park (Expansion).Read MoreCase on the Disney Brand14200 Words   |  57 PagesKey Words: Brand Extension, Expansion into New Geographies. Brand Culture, Brand Symbols, Semiotics Analysis. Study of ‘Disney’: Strategies and factors that helped build the iconic brand. Group 7 Archana Menon 2008 09 A Chandan Pansari 2008 12 A Ranjani Mani 2008 43 A Sumita Das 2008 55 A INDEX Introduction ..........................................................................................................................4 Licensing ..............................................Read MoreStrategic Management - Pixar - Success4064 Words   |  17 Pages Assignment: Strategic Management and Leadership Table of contents Question 1 1.1 Introduction 3 1.2. External analysis of Pixar Animation Studios 3 1.2.1. Macro environment 3 1.2.2. PESTEL-Analysis 3 Political factors 3 Economic factors 4 Social factors 4 Technological factors 4 Environmental factors 4 Legal factors 4 Conclusion 4 1.3. Internal analysis of Pixar Animation Studios 5 1.3.1. 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VICE PRESIDENT PUBLISHER EXECUTIVE EDITOR ASSISTANT EDITOR PRODUCTION MANAGER PRODUCTION ASSISTANT EXECUTIVE MARKETING MANAGER ASSISTANT MARKETING MANAGER MARKETING ASSISTANT DESIGN DIRECTOR SENIOR DESIGNER SENIOR MEDIA EDITOR George Hoffman Lise Johnson Carissa Doshi Dorothy Sinclair Matt Winslow Amy Scholz Carly DeCandia

Saturday, December 14, 2019

Deep side of the Sea Free Essays

Hurry! Give her mouth-to-mouth resuscitation. I can hear someone scream: well that is not the only thing I can hear. I can hear the siren and footsteps of people rushing here and there. We will write a custom essay sample on Deep side of the Sea or any similar topic only for you Order Now Now the sounds are beginning to faint and my entire body is aching. It hurts a lot but I cannot really tell where, now all I can hear are my own thoughts. I feel lightweight. I have no control over myself. I am drifting away to someplace and amazing thing is that I feel secure, while light surrounds me and it’s very quite. I guess it all started when my parents left for Canada and I being the only child had to stay home alone. A dream come true, I had through to myself: I was so happy, now I could go anywhere I wanted to, go to every party in town or better yet, through a party of my own. I spent few days doing nothing and handing out here and there. Then the day came: I was invited to go to the biggest beach party in town with my friends. So I gathered myself, surf board, suntan lotion etc and left. We reached there at around 10:00 am. I knew no one around a bit, those people were new to me but I still manage to mingle. The Party was going great, people were laughing, dancing and simply letting go of themselves. Later everyone decided to go for a swim, so I went along, splashing here and there, and life seemed nothing but a beautiful dream. The guys decided to go in deeper but I did not want to go, nor I wanted anyone to think I was a chicken. So being extra cautions I went but tried to stay a little behind. I wasn’t afraid. I just wanted to be careful. The guys were just playing around when a massive wave hit us, knocking everyone towards the shore, except me. I could not believe what was happening to me, some force was pulling me towards as if it wanted me down there. Water began to surround me eyes, they hurt so bad that now I could not even see anything. I tried my best to regain control but it was all in vain. I could see people far away, frantically running here and there but no one dare come for my rescue. I was really tired and I wanted to let go, and that’s what exactly I did and it felt good. I don’t remember what happened next but I could feel myself being dragged somewhere by someone. Presently I do not die, where I am but if it definitely not the sea. God! I hope I do not die what will become of me? And what about my family, they do not even know where I am, would I ever see them again God! Please help me get through this. How to cite Deep side of the Sea, Essay examples

Friday, December 6, 2019

Management In Digital Marketing Industry - Myassignmenthelp.Com

Questions: Why You Choose This Job Cluster? What Are The Skills Required? Answers: Introducation Earlier it was considered that the digital marketing skills are only required by the persons who are working in the creative field or other digital platforms such as social media, digital advertising or website development. Irrespective of the size of the industry, most of the organizations today are on the lookout for digital marketing expertise (2016 MARKETING HIRING TRENDS, 2016). The positions which require digital marketing skills would be in top demand over the course of next five years. This rise would be the cause of the amalgamation of the traditional skills with the digital ones. According to field experts, they are suggesting these the phase of the end of the traditional methods and the emergence of the digitized world. And the trend of using big data to have an analysis of the traditional strategies and the marketing decisions is on the rise. With todays availability of the large quantities of the campaign and the consumer data, the need to have a successful marketing cam paign is compelling the organizations to choose those who are accustomed to strategic and analytic planning and thinking. Various marketing teams are looking to hire people who have a problem resolving skills, an analytical mind and the capacity to communicate idea face to face or as well as virtually. They are making their choices irrespective of their location. Thus with the rise of outsourcing the digital marketing jobs, the demand for SEM or SEO project managers or professionals would see an abrupt downfall in this period (The Future of Jobs, 2016). Although all the key functions are being operated from in-house only and are continued to be managed by senior level managers and executives. As digital marketing is quickly becoming for both the internal as well as the external positions, thus hiring is getting more oriented with digitalization. Professionals who are having the necessary experience, proper skills, and critical thinking are being chosen as strategists to take care of certain duties (2017 TRENDS REPORT, 2017). Currently, the marketing team is expected to have multi-talented as well versat ile, with the intention that the organizations could be able to reach out to their target audience intelligently, quickly and efficiently. The increased diverse and virtual nature of current digital marketing professionals are creating such an environment where the skills for success are getting more and more technical with a secondary objective. In 2016, various organizations have hired around 4 million professionals in that year. The number of professionals being hired permanently excelled the number being hired as a contractual or interim basis. Throughout the year the trend of hiring marketing strategists and digital marketers topped the list of hiring with a rate of 37% and 39% respectively. Other digital marketing positions such as communications, data analysis and marketing positions were also at close range with 32% in the year 2016 (Trends in Digital Retail:, 2015). Two years before in 2014 project management was at the third position but in 2016 it attained the third last position with only 25% being reported to be hired in that field. The hiring process of SEM and SEO experts showed a steep decline partially as an effect of these jobs being outsourced on the contractual and interim basis to other agencies (Trends in Digital Retail:, 2015). 1.As earlier mentioned, there is a gap in digital skill level. It is predicted by the end of 2020 there were around 1.5 million digital jobs but not the adequate skilled person to fill it out. Thus, promising a career where the demand exceeds the supply. According to experts, the demand for digital marketing experts would rise by 38% in this current year. According to various surveys, the top most firms looking to recruit digital marketing experts would be utilities financial services, FDI, FMCG companies, etc. (The 4 Big Benefits of Having a Digital Marketing Career, 2017). Another survey suggested that the digital marketing salaries are rising in 2017 in comparison to the last five years. There are various incidents where people were hired by showcasing their talents in the social media. Once such example is Holy Shortall, who is currently a fashion illustrator based in Dublin, who showcased her skill by tweeting her illustrations to the celebrities. 2.Personal soft skills The digital marketing world is constantly changing, and new changes and updates take place almost daily. To succeed as a digital marketer, I should be more open and importantly should have a fear of being stagnant (Gillard, 2009). Thus, the digital companies are always on the lookout to have experts who can work as fast as the industry trends changes. Thus I should be willing as well as wanting to adapt at the same time. For being successful, I need to be open and stay updated with all the trends and happenings of my chosen field of expertise. To be a digital marketer, I need to have a variety of knowledge regarding different digital concepts but at the same time have profound and in depth knowledge in a particular area. Thus, having a specialty in an area would require taking the help of a team to increase the knowledge about the campaigns and concepts I would be working on. No digital marketer works alone thus I would be required to be a team player (5 Awesome Qualities of the Unshakeable Digital Marketer, 2017). Technical skills The path to be a successful digital marketing expert is clear, and one thing, in particular, is to have increased level of technical skills. The technical skills required ranges from sales copywriting, SEO, content writing, PPC, analytics, CRO, graphic design and much more. Technical skills are those which address certain tasks and abilities. They are practical knowledge and often related to mathematics, IT, mechanical, programming knowledge, tools and languages (Birkett, 2017).Current capabilities and knowledge Temperament I have the capability to communicate what needed to be done and also expect the people to whom I assign the task to be responsible for breaking down the task to smaller manageable chores. I choose my team according to their ability to deliver certain tasks. While doing any particular task, I work on a specific timeline and have proper use of schedule to manage the task to make sure that it is completed within the allocated deadline. At the beginning of every task, I make sure to outline to myself the whos and whats so that it helps me to have a proper understanding of the task at hand. I do make sure to have back up options so that in the case of any mishaps, the whole task does not get jeopardized. If it is a group task that I am involved in, I outline what is required of the team members, I try to manage everyone on their level and also make sure there is a collective performance regarding overall output (Effective Communications: Raising the profile of your archive service, 2013). I do not believe in the blame game, and thus in case the task is behind schedule I try to mark out the solution rather than blaming other for it. Learning styles According to me, my academic performance was better than average. Although I took part in various extracurricular activities, still I did maintain a high academic percentage in my semesters. I balanced my extracurricular and my academics although it is quite tough to do them at the same time. I always take my studies very seriously, and my performance in my academics are the results of my well-coordinated work ethic. As mentioned earlier, academically I did pretty well as I do enjoy the challenges and have the tendency not to give up. My academic history shows dedication although there were many incidents where I may have quit. But in my school days, I somewhat had some struggles, but it was never pushed upon me when I was growing up. But although I had good performance and the record of having the perfect attendance. I like to work hard and have the tendency to perform well when I am full of activity. I do enjoy learning new things which help me to perform better, I do consider myse lf intelligent and can handle myself extremely well. I am pursuing my higher studies, and every day I challenge myself too much better than the previous day. Key strengths and areas of improvement I do think that I am perfect for becoming a digital marketing expert. I have the necessary mind set up along with the required skills. I am good as a team player and tend to learn new things. My soft skills are excellent which helps me handle people well. Thus I am sure that I would be able to tackle various clients and projects with accuracy. The area where I lack is I need to know the technical aspects as well. Although currently I am self-teaching myself but on the look out to have formal knowledge which would help me excel in the field of digital marketing. Prepare a GAP analysis and SWOT As mentioned earlier I would require gaining more knowledge about various technical aspects such as PPC, SEO, Content writing, sales copywriting, SEO, content writing, PPC, analytics, CRO and graphic design. Another thing which I require to know how things work in the world of digital marketing and the other technical aspects to look out for. SWOT analysis Strengths Soft skills, Capability to work as a team player, profound knowledge, ability to adapt and change. Weaknesses Lacking technical knowledge. Opportunities Rise of the digital era providing ample opportunities. Threats Outsourcing and the freelancers. References 5 Awesome Qualities of the Unshakeable Digital Marketer. (2017).Trends Insights. [online] Available at: https://digitalmarketinginstitute.com/blog/5-awesome-qualities-unshakeable-digital-marketer [Accessed 3 Aug. 2017]. 2016 MARKETING HIRING TRENDS. (2016).T H E S P R E A D O F S T R AT E G I C D I G I TA L MARKETING ACROSS BUSINESS FUNCTIONS. [online] Available at: https://www.deakin.edu.au/__data/assets/pdf_file/0009/895311/McKinley_2016-Marketing-Hiring-Trends.pdf [Accessed 3 Aug. 2017]. 2017 TRENDS REPORT. (2017).EDELMAN DIGITALS. [online] Available at: https://edelmandigital.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/12/2017-Edelman-Digital-Trends-Report.pdf [Accessed 3 Aug. 2017]. Birkett, A. (2017). What Technical Skills Are Essential for Digital Marketing Pros?.Autopilot. [online] Available at: https://blog.autopilothq.com/digital-marketing-technical-skills/ [Accessed 3 Aug. 2017]. Effective Communications: Raising the profile of your archive service. (2013).The National Archive. [online] Available at: https://www.nationalarchives.gov.uk/documents/archives/effective-communications.pdf [Accessed 3 Aug. 2017]. Gillard, S. (2009). Soft Skills and Technical Expertise of Effective Project Managers.Issues in Informing Science and Information Technology. [online] Available at: https://iisit.org/Vol6/IISITv6p723-729Gillard599.pdf [Accessed 3 Aug. 2017]. The 4 BigReferences Benefits of Having a Digital Marketing Career. (2017).Trends Insights. [online] Available at: https://digitalmarketinginstitute.com/blog/4-big-benefits-digital-marketing-career [Accessed 3 Aug. 2017]. The Future of Jobs. (2016).Global Challenge Insight Report. [online] Available at: https://www3.weforum.org/docs/WEF_Future_of_Jobs.pdf [Accessed 3 Aug. 2017]. Trends in Digital Retail:. (2015).Engaging Converting Through Personalization Omnichannel Excellence. [online] Available at: https://www.criteo.com/media/2265/etail-trends-in-digital-retail.pdf [Accessed 3 Aug. 2017].

Friday, November 29, 2019

Traditional Roles of Men and Women free essay sample

The traditional family roles of men and women have certainly changed over the last few generations. The traditional family has been defined since the biblical days. It portrays men as the independent hunters and women as the dependent gatherers. However, today there is a continuing decline of the traditional family and the rise of the equal two-earner family. The traditional roles of men and women were established to enable power to head of household, which is historically known as the male.In the past, children have been raised to expect men to be brave, dominant and industrious while the women have been expected to be weak, timid and nurturing. A boy was raised to believe that his role would be that of the sustainer of wealth and the head of the family. For his education, it was very important for boys to attend school to obtain a great occupation where professional qualifications were only important for men. We will write a custom essay sample on Traditional Roles of Men and Women or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page On the other hand, a girl was raised to believe that education was not important for her, so she had to stay home and help her mother with the chores. The workplace was not the primary area of women as career advancement is viewed upon as unimportant for women. Her role was to find somebody who would marry and provide for her. Thus, she needed to focus on perfecting herself by practising household chores and learning to cook in order to satisfy her husband.In a marriage, the mans traditional roles was the worker and protector, he provided the food and home while the woman was the home maker, the cook, the cleaner and the nurturer of children. When it came to decision making, the man had the last say, where as the woman was viewed as a valueless servant of the powerful man of the household. Fortunately, as a consequence of the success of the suffragette and feminist movements, the traditional roles have been lost.Marriage is now about equality rather than power and domination on the man’s part. Now, education, politics and job opportunities have opened up for woman. Today, school is viewed as important for both girls and boys and same qualification for men and women for job opportunities. More women have joined the work force and more men have taken on household tasks. In the past, housekeeping and child care are the main functions of the woman. Now, all housework is done by both the mother and father.In addition, todays society has evolved into a mix of single parents, double income families and homosexual parents/partners. Along with that, women have adapted and gained independence. They no longer need a man to provide for the family and is capable of doing it alone. To conclude, the traditional family has become almost a myth. Today’s society is moving towards equal rights in every area of life. However, equality is still not globally accepted as some countries still maintain the outdated traditional roles for men and women.

Monday, November 25, 2019

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Get a Pro Subscription Today with 50% Discount! Get a Pro Subscription Today with 50% Discount! Get a Pro Subscription Today with 50% Discount! By Daniel Scocco We didnt want to compete for attention with Walmart and company, so instead of running a Black Friday promotion we decided to run a Black February one! During the month of February well be offering the Pro subscription with huge discounts. Check it out: Monthly plan: $4.99 per month (50% discount over regular price) Yearly plan: $49 per year (40% discount over regular price) As a Pro subscriber youll get a writing tip and a grammar exercise delivered to your email inbox every day. You also get access to the members area, where youll find over 700 interactive exercises, our Freelance Writing Course and a section with writing jobs. On top of that youll receive three eBooks as a bonus for signing up. This includes our acclaimed 100 Writing Mistakes to Avoid (the eBook alone sells for $9.90). Here are three testimonials from our subscribers: I have no trouble waking up early in the morning now, knowing my writing tip will be there. Im buying a subscription for my mother (a retired school teacher) and my daughter, who is applying for graduate school. It will be such an enjoyable way for her to learn. Thank you so much for the new and improved Daily Writing Tips Pro. It is even better than the original, and so much worth the money spent. Please let me express my heartfelt thanks for the hard work you do, putting these articles and exercises together. They are extremely helpful. Dont miss out! Click here to get all the details and subscribe. Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the General category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:"Based in" and "based out of"Try to vs. Try and10 Functions of the Comma

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Company Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Company - Essay Example ) brand positioning is vital for any company as it helps visualize the services offered by the brand and how the company may accrue the maximal benefits from the existing opportunities. In line with this argument, it is evident that brand positioning is crucial for the marketing strategies of companies (Grams, 2011; Schmid, 2013). For the case of AsiaTravel.com, the company needed to design marketing programs that may help it attract different types of clients to its business. In terms of competitive advantage, evidently AsiaTravel.com needs to make clear identification of its major competitors. Through this aspect, AsiaTravel can tell its positioning in the market, and then take the best decision that would allow it pose the strongest competition (AirTravel.com, n.d). Notably, AsiaTravel may look for similar companies that offer the same or alternative services and products in an attempt to design its competition strategy. Through this approach, the company may provide quicker, discounted and a wide array of services as opposed to its competitors. In this quest, Roll (2005) indicates that a SWOT analysis will be of use to assess the place of the company in the general market. The brand AsiaTravel.com is proud of its single product that offers three services to its clients (AirTravel.com, n.d). This is an added advantage to this company as this service provides an exceptional to other services offered by other brands. In the course of competition, AsiaTravel.com will stand out from other companies as its services are of a better quality, favorable price and flexible to its clients. McGhie (2012) is of the opinion that in the event that a company determines its brand’s strong points, the company will be on the frontline to deal with its competitors. This fact places AsiaTravel.com at a better stance over other competitors. However, AsiaTravel.com has a lot to do in its brand positioning as rebranding is only way to competitiveness and equity in the company.

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Peer response Article Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 6

Peer response - Article Example Second, the topic and subject of research that was shared was relevant and seen to be applicable in current settings: homeschooling or distance education. With the prolific use of the internet, one of the significant applications is the access to knowledge through the online medium. One of the initial comments was the dismal regret for the inability to locate more scholarly research on the subject of â€Å"how do homeschooled students do compared with traditional-schooled students†. A quick look at scholarly journals generated only 11 results; which validated the comment. As such, one strongly believes that the lack of studies on the subject matter should be a motivating factor to pursue the study. There are vast options to discern the most appropriate research methodology and could be applied using a nearby university that offers distance education courses in additional to the traditional classroom-based

Monday, November 18, 2019

Evaluation of Barclays Bank in India Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words - 1

Evaluation of Barclays Bank in India - Essay Example After the deregulation and reformation initiatives taken by the Ministry of Finance and the Reserve Bank of India for improving the structure of Indian banking Industry, the banks in India are performing better in comparison of other developing nations. Enhancing economic condition of Indian people is another key factor for the success of Indian Banking Industry and other macro-economic factors are also favourable for growth of Indian banking sector. However, due to dominance of Indian domestic banks, Barclays have wisely selected its target market i.e. the HNI and HRI clients. Besides, it is also trying to offer world class services to position itself as a leading global bank. The process of globalisation has influenced the entire process of human activities and globalisation of trade and business in one of the most significant instance for global economies. It has also given birth to the global banking sectors as many banks from developed countries are trying to enter in the emerging nations like China and India. The growing economic stability and increasing disposable income of India, many multinational companies including banks have entered in this market and these MNC banks are also experiencing a rapid growth in Indian market (Arasu, 2008, p.274). This paper will attempt to present an evaluation of Barclays Bank, a leading global bank for its Indian market business. The primary objective this paper is to evaluate the effectiveness of Barclays in India using multiple analytical strategic tools. Barclays bank is basically a UK-based multinational bank established in more than 330 years ago, and for market expansion, it has also entered into the most of emerging and developed countries like Middle East, U.S.A., Asian countries, European countries (Barclays-a, 2011). Barclays bank entered into the Indian financial market during 1970s and since then, it has experienced tremendous growth and success. In Indian market it offers retail as well as commercial banking services catering more than 400,000 customers and clients. It has opened its multiple banking units in most of Indian cities.  

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Evolution of the Glass Flight Deck

Evolution of the Glass Flight Deck The Australian Aviation had changed significantly since the late 1990s (Kain Webb, 2003). One of the major changes includes the introduction of the glass flight deck in Commercial Aviation. It has influenced the Australian Commercial Aviation significantly. This paper will analyse the transition from the standard flight instruments to the Glass Flight Deck. It will proactively discuss: The preliminary cockpits; the transition to the modern Glass Cockpit; and the modern Glass Flight Deck era. Overall, this paper argues that the Glass Flight Deck has brought in a massive change to the aviation industry. The initial phase of aviation was very undeveloped hence having few basic instruments (analogue) only. Cockpits in the distant past were generally comprised of limited instruments which provided basic information and had elementary controls only (Cockpit Design, 2012). There were inadequate controls and limited instruments in the cockpits, consequently increasing a pilots fatigue and pressure levels (Cockpit Design, 2012). Wiener and Nagel (1988) summarized that crew system designs and flight station layouts have frequently ignored the limitations and capabilities of the human operator. The key issue for any flight operations was the interaction of the flight crew with the flight deck (Analysis of pilots monitoring, 2001). It was difficult to correlate the data as the information provided was insufficient, hence resulted in crashes. Ideally, all the instruments on the panel should be large and visible for the pilots, as well as easy to be operated. Hence, evolving cockpits should be more feasible to use with digital instruments with large screens (Cockpit Design, 2012). For example, in lighter aircraft like Cessna, the pilot cannot rely completely on the instruments as it does not provide sufficient information. In addition, in poor weather conditions like rain and thunder storms, the aircraft cannot be flown as it is light weight and the instruments does not show the flight path. These days, the glass airplanes are mostly flown as it is more likely to find Instrument meteorological conditions (IMC) on a commercial flight path, hence analogue instrumentation is used less frequently (Ison, 2010). The proficiency of delivering all the information that a pilot might need, had been a challenge during the history of aviation. As the range of desired information has grown, so have the size and complexity of modern aircraft as well, thus expanding even further the need to inform the flight crew without overloading the cockpit (Tomblin, 2014). Therefore, several change s were incorporated into the modern flight decks, making it better comparatively. The idea of developing basic flight instruments into a modern technology based flight deck has remarkably influenced Commercial Aviation. However, massive increase in the demand for new flight instruments resulted negatively for what the designers expected (Tomblin, 2014). The newly emerging instruments that display the performance of aircraft resulted in high-stress levels for the pilots. For instance, missed signals, misinterpreted information, limited detection of issues and failing to recognise the right instrument (Weiner and Nagel, 1988). The cockpits evolved after World War II when analogue instruments were replaced with Glass Panel system (Cockpit Evolution, 2015). In short period, the cockpits of lighter aircraft started the transition to automated instrumentation (Analysis of pilots monitoring, 2001). The newly trained pilots are feeling the automated flight deck easier to learn. The newer technology enables pilots to use innovative modes such as auto pilots, cruise, settin g flight paths, collision warning system, weather updates, landing with the help of Instrument Landing Systems (ILS) that analogue instrumentation does not offer (Impact of Glass Cockpit, 2006). Advances in the new evolving flight deck has proved to have many advantages so that it will be helpful for the pilots, especially to the transportation industry. In addition to it, the safety concerns have been reduced (Impact of Glass Cockpit, 2006). The use of the analogue instrumentation is easy and simple for the upcoming pilots to use, but there are some issues which need to be resolved. Thus, the modern Glass Flight Deck concept developed and proved to be heading towards its success. The Glass Flight Deck concept which was recently originated, gives a pilot improved safety when compared to analogue, and are easier to handle as well. They are more automated, more accurate and the integration of the controls are better than in traditional analogue systems (The Glass Cockpit Advantage, 2012). Most pilots these days are trained on the new aircraft which has the Glass Flight Deck which makes flying effortless and comfortable to use (Newman, 2014). The Glass Flight Deck provides advanced features like Traffic Collision Awareness System (TCAS) which is a short collision alert system, Ground Proximity Warning System (GPWS) and updated information about weather (Glass cockpits in General Aviation, 2011). For instance, the new Boeing 787 Dreamliner is incorporated with the new automated Glass Panel, and has many innovative features that allows a pilot to enjoy their flying experience. In addition, it has proved that the airlines save money while maintaining the competitive ness with the 777 (Innovative 787 flight deck, 2012). The newly installed technology helps the pilot feel more comfortable in flying taking advantages of the innovative features installed in the deck (Innovative 787 flight deck, 2012). The modern automated instrumentation is not only easier to fly but also consolidates accurate information from many sources. For instance, the glass panel shows the flight path on an easily read map and many more features (Sweet, 2002). Other advantages of Glass Flight Deck are: The accuracy of an automated instrumentation is much higher when compared to the analogue, and are very easy to read (What are the advantages and disadvantages of analogue and digital instrumentation?, 2017). The Glass Flight Deck uses colour schemes which can assist in cautioning the crew if there is a threat (Cockpit Design, 2012). The core colours used in the cockpit are green (normal), amber (caution) and red (alert or emergency). The Flight Deck has controls which are eas y to reach and in a place where it is noticeable. (Cockpit Design, 2012). In Conclusion, this paper has methodically evaluated the transition of the flight deck into the modern world. The Aviation industry has evolved with increased trend in technology. It has proactively discussed the evolution into the Glass Flight Deck. It has conveyed the situation prior to the change, the period of change, and the influence of it after the change has occurred. Thus, it has proved that the Glass Flight Deck concept has made a significant change in Commercial Aviation. Reference List Analysis of pilots monitoring and performance. (2001). Retrieved March 23, 2017, from http://picma.org.uk/sites/default/files/Documents/Background/Boeing%20Academic%202001%20Pilot%20Automation%20monitoring.pdf Cockpit Design and Human Factors. (2012). Retrieved from March 19, 2017, from http://aviationknowledge.wikidot.com/aviation:cockpit-design-and-human-factors Cockpit Evolution from the beginning to present. (2015). Retrieved from march 15, 2017 from: https://firstaerosquadron.com/2015/09/23/cockpit-evolution-from-the-beginning-to-present/ Glass cockpits in General Aviation. (2011). Retrieved March 15, 2017, from http://aviationknowledge.wikidot.com/aviation:glass-cockpits-in-general-aviation Impact of Glass Cockpit Experience. (2006). Retrieved March 19, 2017, from http://commons.erau.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1501context=jaaer Innovative 787 flight deck. (2012). Retrieved March 27, 2017, from http://www.boeing.com/commercial/aeromagazine/articles/2012_q1/3/ Ison, D. (2010). Plane and Pilot. Retrieved from: http://www.planeandpilotmag.com/article/is-glass-safer/#.WNjDOsB942w Kain, J. Webb, R. (2003). Turbulent Times: Australian Airline Industry Issues 2003, Australian Parliamentary. Retrieved from: http://www.aph.gov.au/About_Parliament/Parliamentary_Departments/Parliamentary_Library/pubs/rp/rp0203/03RP10 Newman, D. (2014). Universities to Probe Glass vs Analogue Cockpits. Retrieved from: http://www.australianflying.com.au/news/universities-to-probe-glass-vs-analogue-cockpits Retrieved from: https://www.quora.com/Why-arent-there-still-analogue-instruments-in-airliner-cockpits Sweet, W. The glass cockpit flight deck automation. IEEE Spectrum, 32(9), 0018-9235. doi:10.1109/6.406460 The Glass Cockpit Advantage. (2012). Retrieved from March 13, 2017 from http://blog.covingtonaircraft.com/2012/11/14/the-glass-cockpit-advantage/ Tomblin, P. (2014). Why arent there still analogue instruments in airliner cockpits? Wiener, E.L., Nagel, D.C. (1988). Human Factors in Aviation. London, United Kingdom: Academic Press.

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Essay --

Many may say that the Antebellum Temperance Movement was primarily motivated by religious moralism. I tend to take that stance as well. The Antebellum Temperance Movement of the 18th century was focused around the idea that people, mostly men, should abstain from alcohol if they could not drink the spirits in moderation. In this era, many women had suffered greatly because their loved ones would imbibe excessively leaving them short on money, food, and even shelter which left many impoverished and unable to care for their families. Additionally, the excessive consumption of alcohol led to health care issues, crime and in the end, destitution. The first author, W.J. Rorabaugh, is a proponent on the side of how Christian ministers, â€Å"portrayed liquor as the tool of the devil and develop temperance societies as socialization institutions to ease social tensions and anxieties that contributed to alcohol consumption,† (Madaras, L.; SoRelle, J. Pg. 256) Appositionally, John J. Rumbarger opposes by stating that, â€Å"the nineteenth–century temperance reform was the product of the pro-capitalist market economy whose entrepreneurial elite led the way toward abstinence and prohibitionist campaigns. In order to guarantee the availability for a more productive workforce,† (Madaras, L.; SoRelle, J. Pg. 256). I agree with W.J. Rorabaugh that during the Antebellum Temperance Movement, the church’s played an enormous role in prohibiting alcohol consumption because it was the â€Å"tool of the devil†. In taking sides, it is evident that W.J. Rorabaugh was on the right track when he points out that many evangelic religious leaders formed groups to reiterate to the people that liquor was the tool of the devil and that basically, society would continue to... ...d represent a mechanism of social control and did instigate the connection between religion and the need for social reform. In Taking Sides, although Rumbarger and Rorabaugh both had strong, compelling points on the Antebellum Temperance Movement, I believe that W.J. Rorabaugh provided enough evidence that convinced me that the Church’s definitely furthered the movement of Antebellum Temperance Reform. Since drinking was labeled as the â€Å"devil’s tool†, many of the temperance movements and the participation thereof consisted of women and pastors. I believe that the two combined were a powerful entity and really wanted to believe that ultimately, people could make better choices for their lives. Therefore, it was easier to convince society that by living a life with a moral code, free of alcohol and all the turmoil it brought, further helped reshape the society.

Monday, November 11, 2019

Augustine’s Confession Today Essay

In my opinion I feel as if Augustine’s Confessions is still very much relevant and timeless in today’s world in the aspect of religion and spirituality, morality, and love. In Confessions Augustine undergoes a transition from his original view on religion to a different view. He begins to be cautious of sin in his life and in the lives of those around him. Most of all, Confessions helps in understanding the Journey of man in his search for a more spiritual connection, the struggles they may be faced with, and he right path to be chosen, which is a struggle that many can relate to today. When looking at this in Confessions you see in Book VIII, Augustine tells us of his transition to Christianity. He describes how he was able to overcome his struggle with his internal battles and become a follower of Christ. Augustine describes his struggle as having â€Å"two wills, one carnal, one spiritual, were in conflict with one and other†. Augustine’s is having an internal battle between his pleasure seeking side and his spiritual side. The quote â€Å"This was the controversy raging in my heart, a controversy about myself, against myself† is where Augustine recognizes this internal conflict between his good and bad side. This is when he embraces Christianity. This statement is relevant today in many ways. The statement does not Just apply to religion. In life in general, there will always be internal battles that you will have to face. Whatever it may be, you will have to decide what the right path to take it is and this will be what defines you as a person. During Augustine’s Journey you notice in ook VI of Confessions that Augustine is struggling with his feelings on sex, women, and love. He begins his spiritual Journey and has to change his perspective from being a young man that has an overwhelming desire for sex and women to a lifestyle that is in compliance with the church. This means that he can only have sexual relations within the confines of marriage. Augustine comments on his struggle with this as he describes himself as a â€Å"slave for lust†. After he sends his mistress away he says: â€Å"And so, since I was not a lover of wedlock so much as a slave of lust, I procured nother mistress–not a wife, of course. Thus in bondage to a lasting habit, the disease of my soul might be nursed up and kept in its vigor or even increased until it reached the realm of matrimony. Nor indeed was the wound healed that had been caused by cutting away my former mistress; only it ceased to burn and throb, and began to fester, and was more dangerous because it was less painful. † Augustine uses words such as â€Å"wound†, â€Å"bondage†, and â€Å"disease of my soul† suggesting that Augustine sees this as a bad habit that needs to be fixed. In book VI you can see that is thoughts on women and love are pushing towards the church’s thoughts on it. Yet, his body is still struggling with this his lustful desires. After reading Confessions you can see what the Augustine goes through in order to achieve his goals of spirituality. As well as through his first-person narratives you gain an understanding as to what may lead to conversion and the path towards spirituality. Through reason and the strength to overcome the struggles with internal battles, such as morality and lust, the Journey can be completed. Augustine’s Confession Today By savannahr87

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Awareness of autism spectrum disorders Essays

Awareness of autism spectrum disorders Essays Awareness of autism spectrum disorders Essay Awareness of autism spectrum disorders Essay For a figure of old ages now, my married woman, Jen Morgan has taught kids with autism and autism spectrum upsets. Throughout that clip, I have had the chance to volunteer at assorted charity events to assist raise consciousness and apprehension of these upsets. I have learned important information about these upsets and how it has affected the households that live with them. One thing that has ever bothered me was the deficiency of consciousness of autism spectrum upsets in today s society. In the yesteryear, it was rare to happen anything in print or on the eventide intelligence about autism. Recently at that place seems to be an inflow of studies in the media about autism, its research, and the effects it is holding on the households populating with the upsets. Why is that? What has changed that has brought a upset that has been around for a really long clip to the attending of so many people? What is autism? I think it is of import to first explicate what autism is. The Autism Speaks web site says that Autism is a general term used to depict a group of complex developmental encephalon upsets known as Permeant Developmental Disorders ( PDD ) . The other permeant developmental upsets are PDD-NOS ( Pervasive Developmental Disorder Not Otherwise Specified ) , Aspergers Syndrome, Rett Syndrome and Childhood Disintegrative Disorder. Many parents and professionals refer to this group as Autism Spectrum Disorders ( Be Informed, N.D. ) . Harmonizing to Ehlers A ; Gillberg ( 1993 ) , the United States authorities figures show that the prevalence of autism among its population has been lifting every twelvemonth. The ground for the addition has non been found, but improved diagnosing and environmental influence are considered to be the cause for the increased consciousness. Male kids have been reported to be more prone to the upset as compared to the female kids and are diagnosed with the status rather often. In the United States, it is estimated that around 1 % of the male childs are diagnosed with the upset ( p. 1327 ) . One in 150 kids are born each twelvemonth with an autism spectrum upset ( about autism, N.D. ) . What I found to be interesting was that autism is more widespread than childhood malignant neoplastic disease, juvenile diabetes and paediatric AIDS combined. There does non look to be a unequivocal reply as to what causes autism. Some scientist think it is environmental, familial, or a compromised immune system during the kid s pre-natal development, while some believe it is a combination of these things. Recently carnal surveies have produced grounds on how the immune system of the organic structure can act upon symptoms which are linked to autism. These surveies aim at increasing the degree of consciousness and besides probes of utile immunological facts to research workers who are non in that field and those within the field of autism at the community degree ( Haley, 2006 ) . It was one time believed that autism was caused by bad parenting, but in the 1970 s Dr. Bernard Rimland, the male parent of a boy with autism, and the laminitis of the Autism Society of America, assisted in the research that concluded it is non caused by bad rearing but instead is a biological upset ( Be Informed, 2009 ) . Awareness has ever been one of the biggest conflicts for the autism community. Bob Wright, former CEO of NBC Universal, found out in 2004 that his grandson Evan was diagnosed with autism. Bing the Chief executive officer of a major amusement company like NBC, Wright had tremendous power to force a subject such as autism onto a huge audience. In February 2005, Wright and his married woman Suzanne co-founded Autism Speaks. Autism Speaks is an organisation that researches autism, its causes, and possible remedies. As good, they advocate for households with autism and spread consciousness about autism and autism spectrum upsets. They have established a web of research scientists and households who are an alone beginning of information that can dramatically increase our cognition and apprehension of autism spectrum upsets ( Wright, 2009 ) . The Willard huntington wrights have had a immense impact on the autism community by distributing consciousness of the spectrum upsets around the unive rse. I was able to happen more than 50 different intelligence narratives, particular studies and interviews which the Wrights personally did between the old ages 2005 and 2007, with the might of NBC Universal behind them. Not surprising they were about all on NBC and NBC affiliate Stationss. When autism effects the celebrated and affluent, they have the agencies and the audience to recommend for autism spectrum upsets, where the mundane common individual does non. It is obvious that the Wrights function in the autism community has brought important consciousness to the state and universe. While the Wrights work in the autism community has yielded positive consciousness, the inquiry arose, what are the unconstructive facets of autism consciousness, and who specifically could be lending to this signifier of consciousness. When I was seeking for negatives in respects to autism consciousness, the individual that kept coming to visible radiation was actress Jenny McCarthy. McCarthy s boy was diagnosed with autism in 2005 at the age of 3. She became an militant to raise consciousness of autism together with her fellow, histrion and comedian Jim Carey. McCarthy claimed her boy became autistic after he received his rubeolas, epidemic parotitiss, German measles ( MMR ) vaccinum. Argument occurred when she announced that she had cured her boy s autism with a technique called chelation therapy. Basically, chelation therapy is the natural cleaning of the organic structure of quicksilver which is in vaccinums and that she and others believe can do autism, although there has been n o solid scientific grounds to turn out this. This theory has been widely rejected by the National Institute of Mental Health, reasoning that autistic kids are improbable to have any benefit to equilibrate the hazards of cognitive and emotional jobs posed by the chelating agents used in the intervention ( McCarthy, 2005 ) . It is believed that the symptoms that her boy ab initio had and what led to his diagnosing was really a upset called Landau-Kleffner syndrome. It is a neurological upset that has some of the same symptoms as autism, and is frequently misdiagnosed as autism. Symptoms by and large disappear as kids get older ( Landau, 2005 ) . Although her work at raising consciousness for the autism community is in its basic signifier positive, some see it as pulling negative attending to a really controversial and sensitive topic. The possibility of her boy s misdiagnosis coincides with a recent survey published in the Journal Pediatric, and reported on by the New York Times. The study covered 78,000 families, which had diagnosed household members with autism. In the article Carey ( 2009 ) stated that about 40 per centum of the kids surveyed no longer fell into the class of what would be considered an autism spectrum upset. This supports what was addressed about McCarthy s boy, and about kids being r ushed into a diagnosing that could be inaccurate. Their symptoms labeled autism could really good hold been a upset like Landau-Kleffner syndrome, which in most instances is grown out of, non cured. I had an interesting conversation with my married woman, who has been a instructor of kids with autism and mental upsets for over 10 old ages. We were speaking about parents that she had dealt with in the yesteryear that seemed to utilize their kids s upset to acquire attending for them and look to work it for pecuniary addition. ( J. Morgan, personal communicating, December 09, 2009 ) said it is a upset in itself. It s called Munchhausen by proxy. Peoples with this upset want their kids to be ill, or to hold a upset. They feel satisfied by acquiring attending from others, and really disquieted if they do nt. This is non to state they do nt love their childs, but the upset makes them seek attending. Morgan mentioned one female parent that would move about disgusted or taken a back if they met person who had neer heard of them or their kid. Now they were non people of importance in the community, but they were known for showcasing their girl at assorted autism consciousness events. Munchhausen by proxy tantrums in with McCarthy and her boy. McCarthy seemed to utilize her boy s upsets to derive attending to compose books and hike her neglecting calling. Now this is merely my sentiment but it falls into line with my research. It is obvious McCarthy loves her son really much and wants nil but the best for him, but to state she cured her boy of autism is a small bizarre, and she provides no scientific information to endorse up her claims. The information does back up the fact that a batch of kids are misdiagnosed with autism, and that it is lead poisoning or exposure to some other chemical which is doing their neurological upsets. Awareness within the autism community in any manner is a good thing. The addition in the figure of persons reported with autistic spectrum upsets can be attributed to alterations in referral forms, in the methods of diagnosing, and the cognition of the different manifestations of autism. Bringing a subject like autism to visible radiation and the instruction of the general population merely serves to assist the autism community. By researching and recommending for those populating with autism spectrum upsets, it will merely be a affair of clip before the cause and finally a remedy is found. Ownby ( 2009 ) said that The more we publish research and statistics we merely help people go more cognizant of autism spectrum upsets and diagnosings. One thing I did larn was that households that have kids with autism are really courageous people. They deal with existent miracles every twenty-four hours, and unrecorded with the hope that one twenty-four hours all their difficult work and the work of so many others will convey the kid that they know and love out to the remainder of the universe. Sell ( 2007 ) said Turning up is difficult work and the universe can be a confusing topographic point, particularly for person with a processing upset. While I ca nt alter the universe for my boy, I can give him the tools he needs to perplex things out for himself. And that gives me hope. ( p. 237 ) As I was researching autism, I found that the lengths that some will travel through to raise consciousness of the upset can be every bit different as dark and twenty-four hours. From people like the Wrights, and McCarthy, to parents enduring from their ain upset like Munchhausen by placeholder. It s clear that they all have, in their ain particular manner, a really large bosom and want nil but the best for household s covering with these upsets. I still want to cognize why it takes person of stature like the Wrights or McCarthy to open the universe s eyes to a upset that is impacting so many households every twenty-four hours. Why is it that merely the rich and celebrated have the power and influence to consequence alteration in respects to a subject such as autism? Is it the resources that are available to them, or is it the simple fact that they have such a powerful influence over so many people? Mentions About Autism. ( n.d. ) . Retrieved November 27, 2009, from the Autism Society of America Web site: hypertext transfer protocol: //www.autism-socety.org/site/pageserver? pagename=about_home Be Informed. ( n.d. ) . Retrieved December 06, 2009, from the Autism Speaks Web site: hypertext transfer protocol: //www.autismspeaks.org/whatisit/index.php Bob Wright. ( 2009, October 20 ) . In Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia. Retrieved December 06, 2009, from hypertext transfer protocol: //en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php? title=Bob_Wright A ; oldid=320932311 Carey, B. ( 2009, October 5 ) . Childhood: Autism diagnoses lifting, U.S. studies. The New York Times, p. C2. Ehlers, S. , A ; Gillberg, C. ( 1993 ) . The epidemiology of Aspergers syndrome: a entire population Study, Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, 34 ( 8 ) , 1327. Jenny McCarthy. ( 2009, December 14 ) . In Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia. Retrieved December 08, 2009, from hypertext transfer protocol: //en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php? title=Jenny_McCarthy A ; oldid=331525867 Haley, B. ( 2006 ) . Vaccines and the altering epidemiology of autism. Child Care Health Dev. Retrieved on 15th December, 2009 from: hypertext transfer protocol: //www.whale.to/a/autism_diagnosis.html Landau-Kleffner Syndrome. ( 2009, November 14 ) . In Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia. Retrieved December 15, 2009, from hypertext transfer protocol: //en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php? title=Landau % E2 % 80 % 93Kleffner_syndrome A ; oldid=325795007 Ownby, M. ( 2009, April ) . Autism Awareness and Acceptance. Retrieved from hypertext transfer protocol: //autismaspergerssyndrome.suite101.com/article.cfm/autism_awareness_and_acceptance Sell, C. ( Ed. ) . ( 2007 ) . A cup of comfort for parents of kids with autism. Avon, MA: Adams Research Log Why, in recent old ages has at that place been an addition in consciousness of autism spectrum upsets? 12/5/2009 For a figure of old ages now, my married woman has taught kids with autism and autism spectrum upsets. Throughout that clip I have had the chance to volunteer at assorted charity events to assist raise consciousness and apprehension of these upsets. During this clip I have learned allot about these upsets and how it has affected the household s that unrecorded with them. One thing that has ever bothered me was the deficiency of consciousness in today s society, until the past twosome of old ages. In the yesteryear it was rare to happen anything in print or on the eventide intelligence about autism. But late at that place seems to be an inflow of studies in the media about autism, its research, and the effects it is holding on the household s life with the upsets. Why is that? What has changed that has brought a upset that has been around for a really long clip to the attending of so many people? In the streamlined paper I will seek to reply some of these inquiries, and seek to acquir e a better apprehension as to why there has been an addition in consciousness and apprehension of an issue that has affected so many lives for so long. 12/6/2009 About autism. ( n.d. ) . Retrieved November 27, 2009, from the Autism Society of America Web site: hypertext transfer protocol: //www.autism-socety.org/site/pageserver? pagename=about_home The basic facts about autism spectrum upsets in web site format. This is a basic article explicating what autism is, and the basic facts about the autism upset. Most of the information is basic and could merely be used as unobjective facts. Further research would be needed. 12/6/2009 Be Informed. ( n.d. ) . Retrieved December 06, 2009, from the Autism Speaks Web site: hypertext transfer protocol: //www.autismspeaks.org/whatisit/index.php The basic facts about autism spectrum upsets in web site format. What is autism? I need to reply this inquiry foremost and foremost before I can acquire the bosom of my research. I think informing the reader of what autism is will be of import. Autism Speaks is one of the first organisations dedicated to the research, bar and consciousness of autism spectrum upsets. They have a great definition of autism that I should utilize. Quotation mark from Autism Speaks web site What is Autism? ( Be Informed, 2009 ) Autism is a general term used to depict a group of complex developmental encephalon upsets known as Permeant Developmental Disorders ( PDD ) . The other permeant developmental upsets are PDD-NOS ( Pervasive Developmental Disorder Not Otherwise Specified ) , Aspberger s Syndrome, Rett Syndrome and Childhood Disintegrative Disorder. Many parents and professionals refer to this group as Autism Spectrum Disorders. Ehlers, S. , A ; Gillberg, C. ( 1993 ) . The epidemiology of Asperger syndrome: a entire population Study, Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, 34 ( 8 ) , 1327.. This is a journal entry speech production to the prevalence of autism upset in the United States and to the addition in consciousness of autism throughout the state 12/7/2009 What causes autism: There does non look to be a unequivocal reply as to what causes autism. Some scientist think it is environmental, familial, a compromised immune system during the kid s in utero development, and after birth. While some believe it is a combination of these things. One thing is widely accepted is that it is non due to bad parenting. Quotation mark from Autism Speaks web site ( Be Informed, 2009 ) In the sixtiess and 70s, Dr. Bernard Rimland, the male parent of a boy with autism, who subsequently founded the Autism Society of America and the Autism Research Institute, helped the medical community understand that autism is non caused by cold parents but instead is a biological upset I tend to tilt towards the familial facet. Local intelligence adult female gave birth three times back to endorse. All three kids have autism spectrum upsets. Try non to brood deep into the cause, as it can easy take over your research, and drag it off subject. State the basic facts and thoughts of causes and allow the reader research more into that if they desire. Commonality. 1 in 150 kids are born each twelvemonth with an autism spectrum upset. What I found that was interesting, and mildly disturbing was that it is more common than childhood malignant neoplastic disease, juvenile diabetes and paediatric AIDS combined. This is a really of import fact that I think demands to set in my concluding bill of exchange. Remember do nt travel overboard on all the basic facts. Stick to your subject. 12/7/2009 I thought I would speak to my married woman to assist me make up ones mind where to get down my research. She is a really gifted instructor of kids with autism, and has been really active the community for old ages. She suggested I look at celebrated people and famous persons conveying attending about the autism upsets 12/8/2009 Bob Wright. ( 2009, October 20 ) . In Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia. Retrieved December 06, 2009, from hypertext transfer protocol: //en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php? title=Bob_Wright A ; oldid=320932311 Bob Wright, former CEO of NBC Universal. 1986-2007 for 21 old ages My married woman said I should make some checking on British shilling Wright. His grandson Evan was diagnosed with autism in 2004. Bing the Chief executive officer of a major amusement company like NBC He has tremendous power to force a subject such as autism onto an tremendous audience. This Wiki entry is some basic information about British shilling Wright and would be good for basic back land information merely. His impact on the autism community will necessitate farther research. 12/8/2009 While making hunts around the cyberspace I was able to happen more information on British shilling Wright and his impact on autism. His grandson was diagnosed with autism in 2004. In February 2005 Wright and his married woman Suzanne carbon monoxide founded Autism speaks, an organisation that researches autism, its causes and possible remedies. As good they advocate for households with autism and spread consciousness about autism and autism spectrum upsets. They have established a web of research scientists and households, an unprecedented beginning of information that will dramatically increase our cognition and apprehension of autism spectrum upsets. He has had tremendous impact on the autism community and acquiring consciousness of the upsets out to the universe. With the might of NBC cosmopolitan behind him, between the old ages 2005-and 2007 I was able to happen more than 50 different intelligence narratives, article, particular studies and interview British shilling Wright and his married woman Suzanne personally did. Not surprising they were all on NBC and NBC affiliate Stationss. This will do a great beginning to do the point that the when autism effects the celebrated and affluent they have the agencies and the audience to acquire at that place word across, where as the mundane common adult male does non. I need to see if there are any negative facets of the Wrights or others work. Is at that place work doing any contention within the autism community. This brings up a good inquiry of whether or non the over exposure of an issue like autism is good or bad. 12/8/2009 I have seen allot about Jenny McCarthy and her supposed sure for her boies autism, need to acquire a little more into this. Jenny McCarthy. ( 2009, December 14 ) . In Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia. Retrieved December 08, 2009, from hypertext transfer protocol: //en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php? title=Jenny_McCarthy A ; oldid=331525867 Landau-Kleffner syndrome. ( 2009, November 14 ) . In Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia. Retrieved December 15, 2009, from hypertext transfer protocol: //en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php? title=Landau % E2 % 80 % 93Kleffner_syndrome A ; oldid=325795007 This is a wiki entry explicate the landau-Kleffner upset frequently misdiagnosed as autism. Connect straight with Jenny McCarthy. It is believed that is what her boy really had and non autism. Jenny McCarthy s boy was diagnosed with autism in 2005 at the age of 3. She became an militant to raise the consciousness of autism together with her fellow, amusing adult male Jim Carey. McCarthy claimed her boy became autistic after he received his rubeolas, epidemic parotitiss German measles ( MMR ) vaccinum. Controversy occurred when she came out and said she had cured her boy s autism with a technique called chelation therapy. Basically, it is the cleaning of the organic structure of quicksilver which is in vaccinums and that she believed it causes autism. This theory has been widely rejected by the National Institute of Mental wellness, reasoning that autistic kids are improbable to have any benefit to equilibrate the hazards of cognitive and emotional jobs posed by the chelating agents used in the intervention ( wiki ) . It is believed that the symptoms that her boy ab initio had and what led to his diagnosing was really a upset called Landau-Kleffner syndrome. It is a neuro logical upset that has some of the same symptoms as autism, and is frequently misdiagnosed as autism. Symptoms by and large disappear as kids get older. This could take to McCarthy s belief that she cured her boy of autism with chelation therapy. The inquiry I have now is was her boy misdiagnosed and did she cognize that, but was so committed to the autism statement and that MMR vaccinums caused it that she had to lodge to her statement? Or, did she truly bring around her boy s autism. So, did McCarthy go on her campaign to maintain her name in the media or was she truly committed to the autism cause? 12/9/2009 Carey, B. ( 2009, October 5 ) . Childhood: Autism diagnoses lifting, U.S. studies. The New York Times. p. C2 This is an article analyzing a recent survey published in the Journal Pediatric refering a phone study conducted. The study covered 78,000 families, which had diagnosed household members with autism. The article is a good beginning of informations refering how people have been diagnosed with autism and autism spectrum upsets. Additionally, it can be used to discourse the possibility of people being misdiagnosed with autism spectrum upsets. The article stated that about 40 per centum of the kids surveyed no longer had fell into the class of what would be considered an autism spectrum upset. This supports what was addressed earlier about kids being rushed into a diagnosing that could be inaccurate, and the symptoms that could hold been labeled autism could really good hold been something that is grown out of. 12/9/2009 Pegram, C. ( 2008 ) . Out of a distant universe. Retrieved November 27, 2009, from the Autism Treatment Center of America Web site: hypertext transfer protocol: //www.autismtreatmentcenter.org/contents/reviews_and_articles /distant_world.php This article is a basic overview of the autism upset with basic facts. Additionally, it contains quotation marks from people populating with autism upsets. This a good article for basic unobjective information, and personal histories. Further research would be needed to verify some of the information. 12/9/2009 McLaughlin, P.L. , A ; Wehman, P. ( Eds. ) . ( 1996 ) . Mental deceleration and developmental disablements ( 2nd ed. ) . Austin, TX: Pro-ed. This is a text book for pupils get downing a calling in the attention and instruction of people with mental upsets. Since this is a text book for college pupils the information would do a great beginning from the point of position of the academic community. 12/9/2009 I had a nice small conversation with my married woman today. We were speaking about parents that she had dealt with in the yesteryear that seemed to utilize their kids s upset to acquire attending for them and look to work it for pecuniary addition. My married woman said it is a upset in itself. It s called Munchhausen by proxy. Peoples with this upset in a manner want their kids to be ill, to hold a upset. They feel satisfied by acquiring attending from others, and really disquieted if they do nt. It is really a upset that is being research by the autism research institute. This is non to state they did nt love their childs, but were attending hungry. She mentioned one twosome that would move about disgusted or taken aback if they met person who had neer heard of them. Now they were non anyone of importance in the community, but they were known for showcasing their girl at assorted autism consciousness events. I thought this went right along with Jenny McCarthy and her boy. She se emed used her boy s upsets to derive attending for her failing calling, to compose books, and hike her calling. Now this is merely my sentiment but it falls into line with my research. I am she jenny McCarthy loves her son really much, but to state she cured her boy of autism is a small bizarre, and seems a small unusual. Opportunities are he was misdiagnosed. My married woman said a batch of kids are misdiagnosed with autism, when in fact it is lead poisoning or exposure to some other chemical. 12/10/2009 Celebrated Peoples With Autism. ( n.d. ) . Retrieved December 10, 2009, from the Autism love to cognize Web site: hypertext transfer protocol: //autism.lovetoknow.com/Famous_People_with_Autism This is a nice web site that looks at the possibilities of celebrated people throughout history that may hold had an autism spectrum upset. Some luminaries are Albert Einstein, Virginia Woolf, and Courtney love. Courtney love was the lone 1 that I could happen that was really diagnosed with a spectrum upset. There is no solid grounds to demo that any of the others really had autism, they did demo autism traits that would do people believe they did. 12/11/2009 Ownby, M. ( 2009, April ) . Autism Awareness and Acceptance. Retrieved from hypertext transfer protocol: //autismaspergerssyndrome.suite101.com/article.cfm/autism_awareness_and_acceptance This an article states allot of basic about autism. Statisticss, consciousness, and myths. But is do a good point that the continued research in autism and of all time altering statistics has drawn autism into the visible radiation and is a ground why there has been an addition in consciousness in the past few old ages. Quote ( Ownby, 2009 ) By publicising this statistic, people are going progressively cognizant of the turning prevalence of autism spectrum upset diagnosings 12/11/2009 I m acquiring in a rut. I need to complete this up. I need to get down authorship and clear some of my ideas up. I am over thought this. 12/11/2009 Autism Statistics ( n.d. ) . Retrieved December 11, 2009, from the EMED TV Web site: hypertext transfer protocol: //autism.emedtv.com/autism/autism-statistics.html This is basic statistical information about autism 12/12/2009 Sell, C. ( Ed. ) . ( 2007 ) . A cup of comfort for parents of kids with autism. Avon, MA: Adams. This is nice book of shared narratives of household s who have kids with an autism spectrum upset, some of the tests and trials in their mundane lives, and how they get through the tough yearss. This is a great beginning to demo how the mundane household lives with a household member who has autism, and how the upset has changed their lives. ( Sell, 2007 ) Turning up is difficult work, and the universe can be a confusing topographic point, particularly for person with a processing upset. While I ca nt alter the universe for my boy, I can give him the tools he needs to perplex things out for himself. And that gives me hope .

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Marco Polo And His Travels Through Asia Essays - Marco Polo

Marco Polo And His Travels Through Asia Essays - Marco Polo Marco Polo And His Travels Through Asia Marco Polo and His Travels through Asia The Question I am asking in my essay is, Why did Marco Polo go? I think his reason for exploring new lands is not because he had dreams of conquest, but because he was in fact trying to find a new trading market. Marco Polo was born in Venice, Italy in 1254. His father Niccolo was a prosperous merchant who imported luxury goods from Asia. When Marco was just six years old, his father sailed off to Istanbul(then called Constantinople) and didnt come back for nine years. Marcos mother died shortly after his 16th birthday, just before his father got back from his voyage. Two years later he set out again, this time taking his son. Marco Polo was just 17 years old when he left Venice for the first time in his life . He would nearly be 42 years of age when he saw it again. So the journey to Asia had begun. The first place the Polos reached was lesser Armenia where Marco had begun to observe new and different kinds of people. He was not always impressed. In former times its gentry were esteemed expert and brave soldiers but at the present day great drinkers. From Lesser Armenia, the Polos traveled to Anatolia in Eastern Turkey (then called Turkomania). Here Marco marveled at the horses, mules, handsome carpets and fine skills. Next came greater Armenia where Mount Arat towered nearly eighteen thousand feet into the heavens. At the top of this mountain, Marco knew, Noahs ark finally came to rest, but there was too much snow that covered the upper slopes so that no one could climb it and search for the ark. No one did climb it until 1829. Those explorers did not find the ark, but later explorers found evidence of fossilized wood. The next place the Polos voyage took them to was Zorzania (today part of Georgia). Marco became interested at a geyser grushing oil. He noticed that people used the oil to cure rashes and skin related problems, and also burned it for light. The European people had forgotten this method which their ancestors would be familiar with . In the city of Mosul, the Polos saw the finely woven cloth still called muslin today. The Nestorian Christians that lived there especially interested Marco. Although Marco wrote about the city of Baghdad, it is not yet certain that the Polos actually visited it. Still, Marco did hear many miraculous stories about the area and was eager to write about it . Next, the Polos arrived in Tabriz, the greatest pearl market in the world. They moved on quickly to Saba in Persia. Marco saw the tombs of the three wise men Casper, Melchior and Balthasar, who of course visited the baby Jesus. Marco had high Praise for Persia, including horses, donkeys, grain fruits, wild game, military equipment, beautiful embroidery done by women and young people, and turquoises(Turkish stone) . The next place the Polos visited was probably the biggest obstacle thus far. They entered a place in Persia overwhelmed with bandits known as Karaunas. Karaunas scoured the country and plunder everything in their reach . For safetys sake, the Polos joined up with a larger caravan to travel with through the region. However, the bandits still went after the large caravan and attacked it murdering many people and others were sold into slavery. Luckily, the Polos escaped without any harm and continued their long journey. The next part of their journey, the Polos decided to go to the Plateau of Iran and into the city of Hormuz on the Persian Gulf. None of the Polos particularly liked Hormuz. The summer air was poisonous. Marco says, sixty-five hundred soldiers were caught outside the city during a windstorm. Everyone of them suffocated. When the people of Hormuz tried to bury them, the corpses crumbled apart . Their journey then took them across a huge salt desert whose green water was too bitter and salty to drink. They then made it to a place called Tunocain. In my opinion, this place has the most beautiful women in the world said Marco. From Tunocain, the Polos went on to Sapurgan,

Monday, November 4, 2019

Successful after-school program Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 20750 words

Successful after-school program - Essay Example Considerable attention and resources have been directed to after-school programs, particularly those that serve urban students and even more specifically those that serve at-risk students in urban schools. However, little is known about the origin, mission, or goals of after-school programs (Halpern, 2002), and even less is known about the impact on academics of the students who participate in these programs. More attention is being presently focused on these programs because there is a growing awareness that all students, including those who differ in some way from the â€Å"average† student, must be provided with an equitable, non-stigmatizing education (Montgomery and Rossi, 1994). Academic-based after-school programs may be one way that professionals can supplement the traditionally under-achieving at-risk students’ knowledge, skills, and abilities and help them reach and remain at-grade-level performance. Neither student diversity nor after-school programs are new to America’s school system. One account suggests that these programs emerged at the start of the 20th century as a result of an economic and ideological shift in the United States from using children as laborers to placing children in classrooms (Halpern, 2000). Children are no longer working with their parents in a factory or in the fields. As the century progressed, other trends, such as women working outside the home (and the subsequent â€Å"latch-key kid†), emerged (Lopoo, 2005)... 5 Summary 6 CHAPTER II: REVIEW OF LITERATURE 6 Introduction 6 History of After-school Programs 7 No Child Left Behind 9 Federal Role of Out-of-School Learning 12 At-Risk Students 13 Computer Usage in After-school Programs 14 Attendance and Academic Success 16 Benefits of Math After-School Programs 17 Summary 17 CHAPTER III: METHODOLOGY 18 Introduction 18 Research Questions and Hypotheses 19 Research Questions 19 Hypotheses 19 Background and Purpose 19 Methodological Design 20 Participants 22 Data Collection and Analysis 23 Consent and Confidentiality 24 Assumptions and Limitations 25 Summary 25 CHAPTER IV: RESULTS 27 Introduction 27 Description of Participants (Demographics) 27 Students’ Academic Performance 28 Analysis of responses to questionnaire 1: Student participation 31 Detailed analysis of each part 31 Further analysis through categorization of the responses 37 Identification of strengths and weaknesses of the program 39 Analysis of responses to the second questionnair e: Open-ended questions 40 2-1 Where the students went after school before the program 40 2-2 How often the students were alone before the program 42 2-3 Improvement in schoolwork after attending the program 43 2-4 Classes that would help to get a job in future 43 2-5 Usefulness of the computer lab at the program 45 2-6 Usefulness of the program in scoring better on the report card 45 2-7 Main language spoken at home 45 2-8 Affect of program on liking to attend school 45 2-9 Willingness to attend another program 47 2-10 Future goals since attending the program 47 2-11 How participation in the program could help to achieve future goals 50 2-12 Whether the program would be recommended to friends 52 Analysis of results from the parental evaluation 53 Detailed analysis of each response 53 Summary

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Role of professional nursing organizations in maintaining a healthy Research Paper

Role of professional nursing organizations in maintaining a healthy workplace - Research Paper Example The research â€Å"Role of professional nursing organizations in maintaining a healthy workplace† investigates the professional work of healthcare workers in ensuring healthy workplaces. In the healthcare setting, the main players are hospital administrators, doctors, nurses and patients. Nurses play a particularly important role in the provision of healthcare services to patients the other stakeholders not necessarily playing a lesser role in this respect. One of the main concerns of nurses in the course of fulfilling their duties is maintaining a healthy working environment. Indeed a healthy environment plays a key role in ensuring that health workers, doctors, patients and other people visiting the hospital face less risk of getting infected with diseases that they previously did not have. At this point, however, it must be noted that maintaining a healthy working environment is not limited to a clean environment. Instead, a healthy working environment (HWE) encompasses a w hole set of factors including skillful communication and accountability as noted by Medscape. Indeed according to AACN, a healthy environment means an atmosphere that is â€Å"productive, able to give quality care, satisfying, and able to meet personal needs†. In fact, maintaining a healthy environment also helps in ensuring positive patient-staff outcomes according to Laschinger and Leiter. On the contrary, an unhealthy environment negatively impacts on nurses’ willingness to continue offering services in the workplace and patient safety Medscape. (2001). Apart from hospital staff, professional nursing organizations play an enormous role in the maintenance of a healthy work environment. This paper will focus on the role played by professional nursing organizations in the maintenance of such environments. Strategies used by Professional Nursing Organizations to Foster Healthy Work Environments The safe care of people who are sick is positively correlated with the quali ty of the work environment that nurses encounter (Alspach, 2009). Furthermore, HWEs are practically linked to the retention and satisfaction of patients, reduced job stress among healthcare workers, increased job satisfaction as well as heightened attraction (Kramer & Schmalenberg, 2008). There are numerous professional organizations that have established strategies to ensure that the healthcare environment remains a healthy workplace. Some of these organizations include the Joint Commission for Accreditation of Hospitals, Institute of Medicine, American Nurses’ Credentialing Center, Nursing Organizations Alliance, American Association of Colleges of Nursing, American Association of Critical-Care Nurses (AACN), and American Organization of Nurse Executives (Kramer & Schmalenberg, 2008). In ensuring healthy workplaces become a reality, these organizations commonly focus on instituting systems, policies, structures and programs that reflect the domain and point of view of nurse s in executive as well as leadership roles (Kramer & Schmalenberg, 2008). Training programs for example may be established so as to equip nurses with skills that will help them be at the forefront of establishing a healthy work environment. The American Association of Critical-Care Nurses (2005) states that the ingredients for achieving a healthy work environment successfully are effective decision making, true collaboration, proper staffing, good communication, authentic leadership, and meaningful recognition. The organization has developed standards to help hospital and other healthcare centers achieve healthy work environment standards. The standards developed by the organization focus on quality improvement, evidence based practice as well as informatics (AACN, 2011). Instead of providing exhaustive dimensions of nursing practice that already are addressed by regulations and professional agencies, the standards are presented as a basis for engaged dialogue and thoughtful reflect ion about the work environment. Skilled communication as a strategy for creating a healthy work environment involves two way communication in which individuals

Thursday, October 31, 2019

Dissertation proposal either in marketing, Finance or internantional Essay

Dissertation proposal either in marketing, Finance or internantional. business MBA level - Essay Example The typical questions that come in mind are whether such factors have a significant impact in enhancing the sales of the company or not. If yes, then would it be beneficial for the companies to give more focus towards their products packaging and placement of their products on shelves in retail stores. For exploring these questions, there is a need to conduct a research, which may provide guidelines to the companies and retailers regarding the packaging and shelf positioning of products. Planned purchases do not constitute all sales; as a matter of fact, a significant portion of total sales is composed of impulse buying which shows inevitable variation with respect to factors such as packaging and shelf-positioning. Consequences: In the absence of such a research, the marketers will certainly be at a loss. They will not be able to gain an insight into the relationship of factors such as packaging and shelf positioning with Impulse buying, thereby obstructing their ability to manipulate these factors to their own advantage, which could otherwise lead to increased sale. The research paper selected as the base paper of this research is ‘Unplanned Buying and In-Store Stimuli in Supermarkets’, Managerial and Decision Economics, Vol. 11, No. 2. (May, 1990), pg. 111-121 by Abratt, R. and D.G. Stephen (1990). ‘Impulse buying’ can be described as any purchase which a shopper makes but does not plan in advance and nowadays, a major junk of consumer purchases are being made without advance or prior planning (Hawkin Stern, 1962). Moreover, Hawkin also argued that Impulse buying, despite certain connotations attached to it, has become an efficient and sensible way of buying goods and the incidence of impulse buying are growing. Impulse buying has been seen to be at work mostly in the case of FMCGs. Unplanned purchasing occurs in many types of retail outlets; however, it is typically

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Addressing Employee Motivation Essay Example for Free

Addressing Employee Motivation Essay Executive Summary Tom was seen to have a loss of motivation at work which was investigated. An analysis showed the main cause to be a lack of communication from his manager, a need for role definition, and a lack of publicity for the success of his project initiative. Recommendation is for Tom’s manager to be informed so they are hopefully able to address these issues and retain and develop Tom’s skills. A problematic work situation relating to a HRM concept in Book 2 1.1 A description of the work problem Tom has a well paid job as a project manager. He created an idea and initiated a project to design and implement a website. After setting up the design and defining the stakeholders, without discussion, another person was brought in to chair the project meetings and keep track of actions for the software team. He felt a lack of clarity in his role and without clear guidance and credit did not feel motivated to push the project as hard as before. Weekly work hours fell back to a normal 40 hours from 50 or 60, and his other ideas were not pushed to management with the same enthusiasm. Motivation was clearly falling. This example relates to motivation and Session 1 of Book 2 can be used to analyse what motivates Tom to go to work. See more:  First Poem for You Essay 1.2 Analysis of my experience using my chosen concepts To understand Tom’s motivation level’s I have analysed his situation using Maslow’s Hierarchy of needs (1954) from session 1 (The Open University, B120 Book 2). According to Maslow, â€Å"a satisfied need is not a motivator†. Matching which needs are met on the pyramid of five categories will give an indication of which unmet need should be a motivator. Figure [ 1 ] Maslows Hierarchy of needs pyramid, and summary of Toms status within it. Figure 1 Maslows Hierarchy of needs pyramid, and summary of Toms status within it. According to Maslow’s theory, Tom has reached the 3rd level, but the lack of communication and feedback has stopped him achieving ‘Esteem’. Maslow states that â€Å"Not meeting these needs has a negative effect on our mental health† and this could explain the low motivation that Tom’s behaviour indicates. Tom was also under the impression that his idea and the quick success of the project would be publicised by his manager and would open up opportunities to be involved in other senior projects within the business. This did not materialise, and the senior management was not made aware of any plans to utilise Tom’s skills. In fact Tom’s manager was based in another country and was often not reachable for consultation either by phone or email. This expectation and its failure to materialise also causes low motivation, as explained in the concept of a ‘psychological contract’ from The Open University (2012). By applying this concept, we can understand that Tom had reason to believe that a successful project would lead to acknowledgement and higher esteem within the company, and even though this was not part of a formal employment contract. When this did not occur Tom felt his psychological contract had been violated, and that his hard work was inconsequential, leading to his low motivation to keep working hard. 1.3 Proposed solutions to the problem The analysis above has identified possible causes of Tom’s low motivation. With this understanding of these reasons, each can be addressed with the right actions. . * Problem : Low motivation, * caused by : Perceived low likelihood of achieving Esteem (on Maslow’s hierarchy) * caused by : lack of communication about tasks. * Classified as : Broken psychological contract If we can determine the cause for the broken contract, we may be able to restore Tom’s motivation to work hard. Also relevant is the Job Characteristic Model from Hackman and Oldham cited by The Open University (2012) which lists five core job characteristics that contribute to satisfying work. If Tom’s work is missing any of the core characteristics his attitude to his job could be affected. Figure [ 2 ]. Hackman Oldham JCM The lack of regular communication between Tom and his manager suggests that there is insufficient â€Å"Feedback from the Job†. B120, Book 2, Study session 4, highlights the importance of â€Å"Constructive feedback†, which â€Å"involves praising strengths and achievements†. Arranging another person to chair project meetings could also mean that â€Å"Task Identity† was not clear. To solve these items, Tom’s manager should take the following actions: * clarify Tom’s role and tasks within the project * Provide regular opportunities for feedback and communication, including praise of achievements when applicable. * Publicise Tom’s contributions to raise his profile in the senior management team and allow development of his career. Relevant Web sites http://businesscasestudies.co.uk/tesco/motivational-theory-in-practice-at-tesco/maslow-and-herzberg.html (accessed 28-Nov-2012) This shows how a successful company has used Maslow’s hierarchy and Herzbergs two factor theory to try to keep employee motivation high. Herzberg could be summarised as â€Å"If you want people to do a good job for you, then you must give them a good job to do.† The Times is a reputable publisher which lends credence to this site, but this is a case study utilising the theories in this report, and not and original source. http://gmx.xmu.edu.cn/ews/business/management/chapter16.htm#what (accessed 28-Nov-2012) This site was chosen because it contains some interesting definitions of motivation factors, and summarises a collection of different theories on analysing motivation in employees. The information is not verified but some theories corroborate with other sources. References The Open University (2012) B120 An introduction to business studies, Book 2 ‘An introduction to human resource management in business’, Milton Keynes. Web source 1: http://businesscasestudies.co.uk/tesco/motivational-theory-in-practice-at-tesco/maslow-and-herzberg.html dated unknown (accessed 28-Nov-2012) Web source 2: http://gmx.xmu.edu.cn/ews/business/management/chapter16.htm#what dated unknown (accessed 28-Nov-2012)